Sapphire, the September birthstone, is also the gemstone for 5th and 4th anniversary.
Like diamonds, sapphire is an ideal stone for everyday wear.
In this post, we share 5 important things you need to know when buying a sapphire.
The 4C’s – Color, Clarity, Cut, Carat:

Blue is the color that comes to mind when we think of sapphires.
But sapphires come various colors including yellow, pink, green, purple and more.
You can pick any colored sapphire that suits your needs.
When it comes to blue sapphires, the colors vary from light blue to dark blue.
The intensity of the color determines it’s value.
Transparent stones are more valuable than opaque stones.
The color of the sapphire is best viewed in natural daylight.
You know you’ve purchased an awesome stone if the color is closer to light blue and semi-transparent under natural daylight.

It’s not uncommon for sapphires to have minor inclusions with excellent clarity.
Most stones are cut in Thailand. The cutters focus on optimizing the stone color.
Sapphires come in different shapes including oval, cushion, round, cabochon.
A cabochon is a polished stone that is not faceted.
Round stones are rare and therefore cost more.
For a fine jewelry neck piece or ring, you can opt for a 2-5 carat stone depending on the desired look. Smaller sapphires are more suitable for earrings or when combined with other gemstones.
Sapphire Origins:
According to Gemological Institute of America (GIA), Sapphires from Kashmir are more expensive although Burma, Sri Lanka, and Madagascar also produce top quality gemstones.
How Much To Pay For A Good Stone:
The jewelry industry does not have a standard pricing report for sapphires. A 2-5 carat beautiful semi-transparent stone with light blue color can cost anywhere between $1000 to $3000+.
Treated Gemstones:
Heat treatment is acceptable for sapphires. Lattice diffusion is the treatment process. The stone’s color is changed using heat and chemicals. Avoid stones where the stone’s color has been chemically altered.
Sapphire Identification and Origin Report:
An independent lab can provide a sapphire identification report. The reports tells whether the sapphire is natural or synthetic and treated or untreated. The report also provides an opinion on it’s origin. Identification reports cost between $250 to $500+ for a 2-5 carat sapphire.
3 Thoughts on "Sapphire – September Birthstone"
alexander stephen
November 25, 2017Thanks for the information for giving us the idea of how much to pay looking at the sapphire.
alexander stephen
November 29, 2017Thanks for sharing the 4c of sapphire was wnderful and informative
Zuber Khan
November 6, 2018Thanks for the information for giving us the idea of how much to pay looking at the sapphire.